Wood In Melbourne

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Wood In Melbourne is my baby. A culmination of many, many hours of learning (mostly by trial and error), researching and failing. It serves as a showcase, storefront and place to share my woodart projects and ideas.

A project manager by day, most other times you will find me engrossed in a project of more tangible form. Selecting from a variety of skills I've developed over the years (mostly out of interest, or necessity). 

The story of Wood In Melbourne started back in highschool, but only manifesting itself with the purchase of our first home in the middle of a Global Pandemic. Without much to do during the Great-100-Days-Of-Lockdown, I spent endless hours trawling the local hardware store and started working on the house. Quickly turning into building a few small items around the house, before discovering and into wood-art.

Humans have a storied past with timber. Building and creating with it for thousands of years. I want to continue exploring this relationship with nature, particularly how we can reuse and upcycle what people consider 'waste' into something of beauty.